


Pavel Castro Villareal

1. Single-file dynamics of colloids in circular channels: Time scales, scaling laws and their universality, Alejandro Villada-Balbuena, Antonio Ortiz-Ambriz, Pavel Castro-Villarreal, Pietro Tierno, Ramón Castañeda-Priego, and José Miguel Méndez-Alcaraz, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033246 – Published 14 September 2021.


2. Semiflexible Polymer Enclosed in a 3D Compact Domain, Pavel Castro-Villarreal, and J. E. Ramírez. Front. Phys., 17 June 2021,


3. Single file diffusion meets Feynman path integral. Pavel Castro-Villarreal, Claudio Contreras-Aburto, Sendic Estrada-Jiménez, Idrish Huet-Hernández and Oscar Vázquez-Rodríguez.  Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Volume 2021, September 2021


4. Generalized persistence dynamics for active motion

Francisco J. Sevilla and Pavel Castro-Villarreal
Phys. Rev. E 104, 064601 – Published 2 December 2021.


Dr. Néstor Enrique Valadez Pérez

1. Generalized equation of state for fluids: From molecular liquids to colloidal dispersions

Autores: Luis Perdomo-Hurtado, Néstor Enrique Valadez-Pérez, Beatríz Millan-Malo y Ramón Castañeda-Priego

Journal: The Journal of Chemical Physics Volume:154

Number: 8

Año: 2021

DOI: 10.1063/5.0037630



2. Cluster Morphology of Colloidal Systems with Competing Interactions

Autores: Néstor Enrique Valadez-Pérez, Yun Liu y Ramón Castañeda-Priego Journal: Frontiers of Physics

Número: 9

Año: 2021

DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2021.637138



3. Potential-invariant network structures in Asakura–Oosawa mixtures with very short attraction range

Autores: Fernando Soto-Bustamante, Néstor Enrique Valádez-Pérez, Ramón Castañeda-Priego y Marco Laurati

Journal: The Journal of Chemical Physics Volumen: 155

Número: 3

Año: 2021

DOI: 10.1063/5.0052273



4. Location of the gel-like boundary in patchy colloidal dispersions: Rigidity percolation, structure and particle dynamics

Autores: Javier A. S. Gallegos, Román Perdomo-Pérez, Néstor Enrique Valadez Pérez y Ramón Castañeda-Priego

Journal: Physical Review E Aceptado: 19 de noviembre de 2021





Multiloop QED in the Euler-Heisenberg approach, I Huet, MR de Traubenberg, C Schubert, arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.06667




Dynamical cosmologies in Eddington-inspired-Born–Infeld theory, N. M. Jiménez Cruz, Celia Escamilla-Rivera, International Journal of Modern Physics D Vol. 28, No. 15 (2019) 1950167


Stochastic curvature of enclosed semiflexible polymers, P Castro-Villarreal, JE Ramírez, Physical Review E 100 (012503), 15


Generalized persistence dynamics for active motion, FJ Sevilla, P Castro-Villarreal., 12


Worldline formalism for a confined scalar field, O Corradini, JP Edwards, I Huet, L Manzo, P Pisani, Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (8), 37


Three-loop Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian in 1+ 1 QED. Part I. Single fermion-loop part, I Huet, MR De Traubenberg, C Schubert, Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (3), 167


“Monte Carlo simulation of an associating fluid model to describe polymerization in Polycaprolactone diols: the role of attractive sites of variable range”, Néstor E. Valadez-Pérez, Karla A. Barrera-Rivera, Antonio Martínez-Richa and Alejandro Gil- Villegas. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 294, 15, 111587 (2019).


Molecular dynamics simulation study of the effect of halothane on mixed DPPC/DPPE phospholipid membranes”, Journal of Molecular Modeling, Vol. 25, Artículo 4 (2019).




Active motion in curve surfaces, P Castro-Villarreal, FJ Sevilla, Physical Review E 97, 12 pages




Pseudomagnetic field in curved graphene, P Castro-Villarreal, R Ruiz-Sánchez, Physical Review B 95, 125432


Asymptotic Behaviour of the QED Perturbation Series,C Schubert, I Huet, M Rausch de Traubenberg, Advances in High Energy Physics 2017.


Trayectoria de una partícula cargada en el cinturón de radiación de la tierra, Gómez Flores Octavio, y Ó. Vázquez- Rodríguez, Ingeniería y Tecnología, vol. 24, pp. 27-34, Abril 2017, ISSN: 2007-1876.


Multiloop Euler–Heisenberg Lagrangians, Schwinger pair creation, and the photon S-matrix I Huet, MR de Traubenberg, C Schubert.

Russian Physics Journal 59 (11), 1746-1751