


Dr. Daniel López Cortés

Rodrigo M. Gerosa, Jonas H. Osório, Daniel Lopez-Cortes, Cristiano M. B. Cordeiro and Christiano J. S. de Matos “Distributed pressure sensing using an embedded-core capillary fiber and optical frequency domain reflectometry,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21 (1), 2021.




O. Rodríguez-Quiroz, C. E. Domínguez-Flores, D. Monzon-Hernandez, E. Narvaez, U. Minkovich, D. Lopez-Cortes, “Unambiguous refractive-index measurement in a wide dynamic-range using a hybrid fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer assisted by a fiber Bragg grating,” Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 128(106236), 2020.


R. Martínez-Manuel, D. A. May-Arrioja, J. Acevedo-Mijangos, R. Domínguez- Cruz, D. López-Cortés, M. Torres-Cisneros, “Ultra-high sensitivity temperature sensor using a fiber loop mirror based on a water-filled asymmetric two-hole fiber,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20(11), 2020.


C. E. Domínguez-Flores, D. Monzón-Hernández, V. P. Minkovich, J. A. Rayas, D. Lopez-Cortes, “In-fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer strain sensor based on capillary fiber splicing,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 20 (3), 2020.





D. A. May-Arrioja, V. I. Ruiz-Perez, D. Lopez-Cortes, and N. Lozano- Crisostomo, “Linear multimode interference fiber temperature sensor using the liquid in glass thermometer principle,” Applied Optics, vol. 58 (14), 2019.


Rodolfo Martínez-Manuel, Ma. del Rosario Bautista-Morales, Daniel López- Cortés, Carlos A. Pineda-Arellano, Mikhail G. Shlyagin, Óscar Esteban, “Multi- point fiber refractometer using Fresnel reflection and coherent optical frequency-domain multiplexing technique,” Applied Optics, vol. 58 (3), 2019.


Carmen E. Domínguez-Flores, David Monzón-Hernández, Josue I. Moreno- Basulto, Osvaldo Rodríguez-Quiroz, Vladimir P. Minkovich, Daniel López- Cortés, Iván Hernández-Romano, “Real-time temperature sensor based on in- fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer embedded in a resin,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol 37(4), pp. 1084-1090, 2019.





V. I. Ruiz-Perez, D. A. May-Arrioja, and J. R. Guzman-Sepulveda, “An All-Solid Athermal Multimode-Interference Cascaded Device for Wavelength-Locking”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 30, No. 8, (2018) 669-672.





Ariel Flores-Rosas, Evgeny A Kuzin, Roberto Arceo, Orlando Díaz-Hernández, Victor I Ruiz-Pérez, Gerardo J Escalera-Santos, Polarization properties of vector solitons generated by modulation instability in a fiber with circular birefringence, Optical Engineering, 2017.


Ariel Flores-Rosas, Evgeny A Kuzin, Orlando Díaz-Hernández, Gerardo J Escalera-Santos, Roberto Arceo-Reyes, Baldemar Ibarra-Escamilla, Víctor I Ruiz-Pérez, Stimulated Raman Scattering for All Optical Switches, Raman Spectroscopy and Applications, Intech 2017.


V. I. Ruiz-Perez, D. A. May-Arrioja, y J. R. Guzman-Sepulveda, “Passive athermalization of multimode interference devices for wavelength-locking applications”, Opt. Express, Vol. 25, No. 5, (2017) 4800-4809.


N. Lozano-Crisóstomo, J. C. García-Melgarejo, V. I. Ruíz-Pérez, D. A. May-Arrioja, y J. J. Sánchez-Mondragón, “Impact of linear coupling on nonlinear phase noise in two-core fibers”, Optics Communications, Vol. 393, (2017) 1-4.